Sunday, April 12, 2015

Doing ordinary things with extraordinary love

Doing ordinary things with extraordinary love....

These are the words of Mother Teresa whom over the years I have grown to admire the path she choose. Simplicity and ordinary day to day dedication   drove her to live a life of purpose.
It's those days we get so caught up in the mundane thinking it does not matter when truly most greatness and purpose are achieved by tackling the mundane one day at a time.

How often do we spend a day at work thinking this really doesn't matter when truly it does simply because  we are there to fulfill a purpose: to make our self  happy and  to shine a little light on someone else's day. A simple kind gesture  can literally change someone 's day from bad to good as when we share  our  talents and gifts we provide  great necessary acts of success and service.Weather it be  home at work or retired our ordinary days can turn into extraordinary.

Living a life of purpose is a daily decision where our affirmations and actions guide us to that extraordinary place of knowing we gave it our very best. When we do that with intentional love our ordinary day  then becomes extraordinary because the whole universe with GOD at the Center is there to greet and embrace us with the same  extraordinary love.

Enjoy a daily life that matters,

With extraordinary love from me to you daily,